I am finally deep into the second week of second semester {and already obtained that lovely back-to-school sickness}. My schedule is simple this year - one online class, two hybrid classes, and two all face-to-face classes. My only class on Mondays is in the evening and is a mini-course so after fall break, it'll be over. Also, I don't have any classes on Fridays which gives me the chance to catch up on that online class. Other than A&P 2, I think my hardest course will be Healthcare Economics simply because I don't really understand that kind of thing. So far though, I have an A and the course load seems easy for a 400-level class!
Because I've been so sick, I haven't really cared about what I wear to class as much - jeans, sandals, and a t-shirt have been my go-to. I don't like dressing down for class, especially at the beginning of the semester {unless I'm in lab - then tennis shoes it is!}. The graduate students are in one of the classrooms before my section and they all wear business clothes to class! I told my hubby this and he says his grad school will be the same way. That is very interesting to me because I can't imagine having to dress up for work and school.
Until next time!